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Increasing Your Time of Service (TOS) Collections

Increasing Your Time of Service (TOS) Collections


In today’s healthcare landscape, maximizing revenue collection is crucial for ensuring smooth operations and delivering quality care. While billing often occurs after the fact, capturing patient payments at the time of service (TOS) offers significant advantages. Medisys, your trusted medical billing partner, presents a comprehensive guide to help you optimize TOS collections and improve your financial health.

Practice Management Strategies to Improve TOS Collections

Before the Appointment

  • Transparency is Key: Before the appointment, provide patients with estimated charges based on their insurance plan and expected services. Online tools and clear communication help them budget and prepare for payment.
  • Verification Matters: Ensure accurate insurance information and confirmed coverage details. Address discrepancies promptly to avoid surprises and delays.
  • Empower with Pre-Payment: Offer secure online or phone options for patients to pay a portion or the entire estimated bill upfront. This reduces checkout hassle and boosts collection rates.

During the Appointment

  • Collect Upfront: Make co-pays and deductibles mandatory at the time of service. Offer convenient payment methods like cash, credit/debit cards, and online portals.
  • Educate and Engage: Clearly explain charges and answer financial questions. Building trust through transparency encourages timely payments.
  • Flexible Options: For larger balances, present flexible payment plans with clear terms, deadlines, and potential early payment discounts.
  • Highlight the Benefits: Emphasize the importance of timely payments for continued quality care and avoiding late fees.

Additional Strategies

  • Invest in Your Team: Train front desk staff to be well-versed in financial policies, payment options, and addressing affordability concerns. Empathy and understanding go a long way.
  • Embrace Technology: Implement patient portals with secure online payments, automated appointment reminders, and billing notifications.
  • Data-Driven Decisions: Track TOS collections rates, identify areas for improvement, and analyze patient feedback to refine your approach.
  • Partnerships for Success: Connect patients with financial assistance programs if eligible. This eases their burden and increases your collection rate.
  • Provide Clear Billing Statements: Patients should be able to easily understand their bills. Make sure your billing statements are clear and concise, and that they include all of the necessary information, such as the date of service, the provider who performed the service, the amount of the charge, and the insurance company’s payment.
  • Follow up on Unpaid Bills: Don’t wait too long to follow up on unpaid bills. The sooner you start the collection process, the more likely you are to collect the money. You can send statements, make phone calls, or send emails to remind patients of their outstanding bills.
  • Consider Outsourcing: If you’re struggling to manage your billing in-house, consider outsourcing your billing to a professional medical billing company. This can free up your time and resources so you can focus on providing care to your patients.

Medisys understands the challenges of managing finances in healthcare. By implementing these strategies, you can effectively increase TOS collections, improve cash flow, and focus on what matters most – delivering exceptional patient care.

Let Medisys be your partner in navigating the complexities of medical billing and maximizing your financial success. Contact us today to learn more about our comprehensive billing solutions and how we can help you achieve your financial goals.


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