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Tag - telehealth

Medical Billing for Urologists: A Comprehensive Guide

Medical Billing for Urologists: A Comprehensive Guide

Introduction Urology practices face unique challenges in medical billing due to the intricate nature of procedures and specific coding requirements. This guide equips urologists with the knowledge needed to navigate these complexities and ensure optimal reimbursement. Understanding Urology Billing The core principles [...]

Telehealth Billing for Primary Care: A Complete Guide

Telehealth Billing for Primary Care: A Complete Guide

Introduction The rise of telehealth has transformed how primary care is delivered. Patients can now access convenient and timely consultations with their doctors remotely, improving access to care and reducing healthcare disparities. However, navigating the billing process for these virtual [...]

Navigating the Complexities of Wound Care Billing in 2024

Navigating the Complexities of Wound Care Billing in 2024

Introduction Wound care billing in 2024 continues to be a dynamic and intricate aspect of healthcare administration, offering both challenges and opportunities for providers and coders. With the healthcare landscape evolving rapidly due to advancements in technology, shifts in reimbursement [...]

Mental Health Omnibus Bill: A Comprehensive Guide for Providers

Mental Health Omnibus Bill: A Comprehensive Guide for Providers

Introduction The mental health omnibus bill, recently passed by Congress, marks a significant milestone in improving access to mental healthcare in the United States. As medical billing professionals, we at Medisys understand the potential impact this bill has on your [...]

Behavioral Health Billing Updates for Year 2024

Behavioral Health Billing Updates for Year 2024

Introduction The field of behavioral health is undergoing significant changes in the way services are delivered and reimbursed. As we move into 2024, several key updates will impact how behavioral health providers bill for their services. In this article, we [...]