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Tag - outsourcing medical billing services

Thorough Billing Assessment to increase reimbursement

Thorough Billing Assessment to increase reimbursement

Manage patient care with medical billing is a major challenge of medical practice management. Every physician should perform thorough billing assessment once a year. Billing assessment involve examining your practice revenue cycle from top to bottom. Revenue Cycle Management The revenue [...]

Tips to secure healthcare data

Tips to secure healthcare data

Office for Civil Rights is investigating Healthcare Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. More than $66 million in fines have been assessed by medical practices. It is primary responsibility of medical practice owner to secure the data of their patients. [...]


Do you have adequate experience in pharmacy billing?

Healthcare providers spend an enormous amount of time & money to achieve transparency in medical claims. Specialty pharmacies need to make better practice management standards that will allow consistent recovery of aging accounts and stabilize the cash flow. Outsourcing of billing has changed [...]

Are you aware of Common Claim Denial Reasons?

Are you aware of Common Claim Denial Reasons?

Understanding the reasons why medical claims get denied by insurers can help limit the number of denials your medical office reimbursements. The only way to prevent them is to be aware of what they are. You might be aware [...]

Streamline your Practice's Medical Billing Process

Streamline your Practice’s Medical Billing Process

To manage medical practice can be incredibly difficult. It start with scheduling appoints to dealing with insurance companies for reimbursement. This hectic schedule can become quickly overwhelming. To avoid this there are several practice management systems that can help [...]