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Tag - Ambulance Transportation Billing

Ambulance Transportation Billing: Definitions

Ambulance Transportation Billing: Definitions

Ambulance transportation is a billable event. All insurance companies including Medicare and Medicaid both pay for Ambulance transportation service. Billing and coding for ambulance services is complex because of the unique and comprehensive modifiers. There are various modes of [...]

Ambulance reimbursement: How to strengthen your Ambulance Billing

Ambulance reimbursement: How to strengthen your Ambulance Billing?

The alterations between medical and ambulance coding are many. Not only are the procedure codes and documentation unique, but things that doctors and hospital coders take for granted do not apply in ambulance medical billing and coding. Ambulance medical billing [...]

Compliance management in Ambulance Transportation Billing and Coding

Compliance management in Ambulance Transportation Billing and Coding

Ambulance transportation billing and coding involves a various compliance challenges, which if not followed can result in decreased revenue and an organized billing cycle. The ambulance industry as a healthcare field over the years has seen a significant number [...]